for hackers and makers

Attify-Store offers learning kits and security assessment gear for practical and hands-on IoT Security research.

Shipped worldwide from Silicon Valley, US. 

new and popular

Offensive IoT Exploitation

A 10+ hrs Online Training Class on attacking Embedded Devices, Firmware, Radio and more. Taught By Aditya Gupta (the author of IoT Hackers Handbook and IoT Pentesting Cookbook).

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Advanced Android and iOS Hands-on Exploitation

A cutting-edge practical in-depth hands-on training covering tools and tactics to discover and exploit vulnerabilities in Android and iOS apps.

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IoT Exploitation Learning Kit (v1.2)

Get the complete IoT Exploitation Learning Kit with JTAGulator, Ubertooth, Smart DoorLock, Light Bulb and more.

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I spent 3 years in Mobile/IoT security research at HP. After reviewing Aditya's IoT class, I am supremely impressed! - Jason Haddix, BugCrowd